Feature requests.

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2 votes

Add additional users to weekly training email reminders

Would it be possible to add additional users to who receives the weekly training email as currently it is only master administrators who receive this – potentially a tick box added to the permissions tab for “receive weekly training reminders” or something similar as it is something that would be beneficial to have in place … Read more

1 vote

Audit Schedule - RAG Rating

I've been reviewing the RAG system for the audit schedule, and I have a few suggestions for your consideration: When an audit is due and the time frame reaches within 30 days before the due date, the status changes from green to amber. If an audit is started on time, the status changes to green. If an audit … Read more

1 vote

The Improvement Register

Look into improvements for tracking and closing actions on the improvement reports, i.e. Follow up date field to track actions taken were effective.

1 vote

Opportunity classification in Organisational Context Register

The Organisational Context Register is very risk based in the scoring/assessment. Whilst you can identify an Opportunity in the sub category, the assessment/scoring does not really support an assessment of an opportunity as it refers to an assement of the risk rather than an assessment of the potential opportunity. Can changes be made to offer … Read more

5 votes

Archive folder

It would be advantageous to be able to store data from previous years in the system . Hence improving housekeeping and keeping focused on moving forward not looking back through years of data which needs to be retained

Started 1 comment
1 vote

Allow column widths to be moveable

Would it be possible to make the column widths moveable to make the information more presentable or to have a scroll function in the recommendations section to keep the row the same height but all the information easily accessible?

2 votes

Ability to grade suppliers

Could we have the ability to grade suppliers as to whether they are critical or non-critical?