Feature requests.

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5 votes

Archive folder

It would be advantageous to be able to store data from previous years in the system . Hence improving housekeeping and keeping focused on moving forward not looking back through years of data which needs to be retained

Started 1 comment
3 votes

Objectives Category

Could we have more categories please, as we are using the objectives to manage the strategic pillars the default categories are not enough – we would need (and I would image all manufactures would) Quality / Technical / Operations / OPEX / SLT / Directors / Commercial / Sales/ R&D / HR / IT / … Read more

3 votes

Version Update Notificaton

Can a notification be sent out to users if a document/register has been up issued?

3 votes

Add a deleted items page

Could an area be created where master admins can see what has been deleted within the past 30 days? This was we can easily recover items which were accidentally deleted.

Planned 0 comments
3 votes

Print/Export of registers

Could all registers be exported into CSV/Excel & PDF? Some only allow Excel or PDF not both and some registers have no export option.

Planned 0 comments
3 votes

Ability to add KPIs into the system that you can track

e.g., Environmental performance, Process performance, on time delivery, % Defects, Ability to add own KPI’s. Would be good if there was a dashboard displaying these and possibly set targets against them.

3 votes

Allow drag and drop throughout the system

Could drag and drop to upload a file be rolled out across the entire system? Most of the system has this functionality, however there are areas which do not have this, for example the training register when updated skills.